Wagner Family Ministry

Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!

It is our heart to spread the love and power of Jesus to Okinawa, Japan. He is doing mighty things! To God be all glory!

Partner with us in prayer!

Pray for…

…courage and obedience as we follow Jesus everyday. We always want to be focused on Him!

…breakthrough in relationships with our previous neighbor, Masato-san, and other long-time friends. We want them to know Jesus! 

…discernment as we minister. There are many opportunities to serve. We want to keep our priorities aligned with God’s plans.

…a deepened relationship with Jesus for young Christians we are discipling. We are growing sons and daughter in the Kingdom of God!

Pray for…

…open ears and supernatural Japanese language acquisition, as well as intentional practice time as a family.

…increase in our courage and obedience to Christ as members of the Kingdom of God.

…discernment and grace as we continue to teach, preach and lead at our church.